Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Busy as...well just busy.

Currently switching back and forth between blogger/tumblr and schoolwork. Watching my baby sister. That little girl means so much to me, I want to be the best sister I can be to her.
(Love Lost-The Temper Trap)
I don't want her to become what I have. She's so cute, so smart..ah yeah she's only 8 months but still. I know I won't be around as much when I'm older. Move to LA or something. But I worry about what she'll be.
(Stranger Than Fiction-Outasight)
I don't want her to be a mess. I want her to know that I'm here for her no matter what she does. Hope she understands that one day. She's my world, the only one I can trust right now...
(I-Woe,Is Me)
So since freshman year ended, I've lost about 30 lbs. Mom freaked, but doctors don't really care cause I'm not underweight. But it all happened in about 2 months, and I still haven't gained it back. (and it's not like I eat right or exercise..I live off of Ramen Noodles and only sport I'm in is bowling...)
(I Want You-Kings Of Leon)

Ahhh, a song just came on, a song I haven't listened to since June, a song that makes my chest hurt and my thoughts blurred. I can't believe it came on. Why now? Why when my day's been good. Just mess with my head. Shoot me down.
"Save yourself from the heartache. Go now, before it's too late. But still, she stays." Ah, don't feel like writing anymore. I'll write another day.

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