Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blogger!! And a bit more...

So....I have decided to join blogger! XD Might help me a bit in my (Current Song: Missing Persons 1 & 2- OneRepublic) This week is so exciting for me! I get to see OneRepublic in concert! I'm thinking about giving Ryan a note...and some of my poems. It makes me feel overly obsessive...and quite stupid...but I just want to feel the satisfaction that someone out there who has made an impact on this world has seen what I can do. If you know me by now, you know how much that would mean to me. So we'll find out what happens......

Anywho, I'm also glad it's SPRING BREAK! I dislike school VERY much. I always will.

And lastly, I've been spending some time in the studio lately. Very interesting. Dad's teaching me how to record, track, mix, and master....and so on.... (Current Song: Ready-Kelly Clarkson) but it's definitely something that I'm thankful for. It'll surely help me in the future. I'll leave on that note....


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