Sunday, March 28, 2010

23 Leaked Ryan Tedder Demos!!! I go....

1) Biggest Regret

More of an emotional track, sounds like some of his old stuff, before OneRepublic.

2) Contradiction

It's very cool. I love the beat, the melody, and the lyrics. It's relatable to.

3)DJ is My Lover

It's hilarious to hear this. Such a weird track.

4)Every Season

I hope this gets finished. I really like it. Sounds like something Jason Mraz would do.

5)Fading Photographs

Love. It. So. Emotional.

6)Future Love

I've heard so many versions of this song. I love them all. It's one of those that can be thrown out to any artist and it still sounds good.


What can I say about Halo?

8)It's A Shame

Sounds exactly like the finished version.

9)Lost & Found

Love the original. Not so much the demo. I dislike the female of whom is singing.



11)Say Goodbye



I really like this one too.


If I would've heard the demo before the original, I'd still love it.

14)Step Up


15)Thank You For The Heartbreak

It reminds me a bit of If I Can't Have You- Kelly Clarkson. But not too much.

16)The Perfects


17)The Ransom Idea

I've loved this for quite a while now.


This didn't make it....why?

19)Without You

Even with only a chorus, it's one of my top 10.

20)You Don't Care

Original is a bit better.

21)Good in Goodbye

Liiiike it.

22)Save Myself

Distinct Ryan drum track.

23)Sexy Baby

Sounds like Kevin Rudolf in the beginning.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25

So I've been sick for the past few days...Asthma sucks.Watching Aliens In The Attic now with my family. Of course I still have Eddie's word's stuck in my head though....and I absolutely love Ryan's new demo! (Fading Photographs)It's one of my favorite songs right now. Nothing much to say at the moment.Just felt the need to update....I have my school band concert in about a month...we'll see how that goes...Can't wait to play Super Mario! =D Until I have something better to blog about.....


Monday, March 22, 2010

OneRepublic Concert Pics...

So for those of you who wanted to see the pictures form the concert, here are a good few....

Sunday, March 21, 2010

All I Can Think About....

Gosh!Ever since the concert, that's all that's on my mind! Eddie...gosh. Just the way he spoke to me...the way I took was so calm. I felt like I knew him so well. (I kinda do...but not personally...) He was just like I expected. Brent too, haha. Brent's so quiet. But when me and Eddie were talking, it felt more like musician to musician, not like professional to huge fan. It was so cool. And just the way he seemed to be...ALOT like me. Not too in depth...very ADHD-ish. (He did say he had ADHD...) And so laid back. Like, "well, I'm not that good at anything else besides music, so that's what I stuck with." That's me. Gosh... I can't believe it. It still feels like a dream. I've never been on such an emotional high before. Never felt so...confident with myself. It wasn't like OH-MY-GOD-I'M-STANDING-NEXT-TO-EDDIE-FISHER...(felt like that later though...) It was more of an "I may never get to speak to this man again, might as well spill out my heart" kinda thing. And, I did. Went down a list of all the instruments I play (he seemed pretty surprised, considering my age), told him how he inspires me, THANKED him for inspiring me (like a million times), etc. Seriously. Best. Day. Everrr.


Saturday, March 20, 2010


Okay, so.....after waiting 8 hours....(13 if you count last time too) the gates finally opened! I was sitting right behind VIP, which was 5th row. (3 rows in front of me were completely empty though.) During Kris's set Drew came out and was taking pictures of Kris (Why?) but as he was down there, me and a friend of mine both screamed "DREW!" at the same time. He turned and looked at us. We waved, he waved back. Then after Kris' set, as they we're setting up OneRepublic's set, Eddie came out and messed with the drums a bit. Once again, both at the same time, "EDDIE!" and....he waved. :D During the show we got Ryan to wave, and at some point during Secrets, I got Ryan to laugh at me for the way I was singing along. After that he kept eye contact with me for a good 20 seconds or so. I was shocked (and incredibly excited) that they played Tyrant. It was VERY awesome for them to play my favorite song they do live!!! Moving on to later....towards the end when Ryan goes through the crowd during Apologize, my Dad threw me over two rows of people. I got close to him...but not enough.... anywho....After the show was over, we got kicked out of the amphitheatre by security (GOSH!) and so we (we as in me and my friend) we're standing by the back gate trying to think of a plan to get to the guys. Right as I (she was too scared) was about to sneak in, Brent came walking out! He was leaning up against the gate, texting someone. I called out his name and he looked up at me. He laughed and came walking up to us.
Brent: "What can I do for you guys?"
Me: "Uh....well I was just hoping I got to meet one of you."
Brent: "Cool, so I guess that means you're a fan, huh?"
Me: "Yes, HUGE fan."
Me: "Yeah, I'm one of the twitter fans."
Brent: "Ah, makes sense."
Me:"Yep. Oh! Last time you we're supposed to be here-"
Brent: "Ah, I remember that! That was like 6 months ago."
Me: "Yeah, last September. Me and her *points to my friend* waited for 5 hours last time! They didn't tell us you canceled until 15 minutes before the show!"
Brent: "Aw that sucks! I'm so sorry! Honestly, they didn't tell us we were supposed to be here until around that time either. And then we were stuck in Chicago because of rain..."

I'll skip some of the conversation due to laziness...

Brent: "Do you want me to see if I can get some of the guys out here too?"
Me and my friend: "Yes."
Brent: "Haha, ok. I'll be right back."

About 5 minutes later, he came out with Eddie. Eddie was smoking, but he quickly put out the cigarette. The conversation with Eddie was SUPER long, (10 minutes or longer) so I'll just sum it up.

I told him about the many instruments I play, how I've been wanting to learn more, how my dad is a studio engineer (we touched up a bit on sequencing programs, Cubase, Logic, etc...) and how OneRepublic was a HUGE inspiration to me. I told him that I was dead set on being a musician since I wasn't really good at anything else. His response was "Well, that was my logic too. I wasn't good at many things, but I was great at drumming. So I get what you mean. Just keep working on it."
In the end we got Brent and Eddie's autographs, apparently the rest of the guys were in a meeting backstage because they sold ALL the merchandise in one night and had nothing to take to Dallas....(I bought a tee-shirt...) But we didn't even ask for a hug! Eddie just hugged us! And it wasn't just a side hug or anything, it was an arms-completely-wrapped-around-me hug! Brent did the same thing, then they had to get back to the meeting, and we had to get out of the park since it was closing. (They hugged us both) Just before he went back, I asked Eddie if he could hand my note/poems to Ryan. He said he would... And I trust him. So all in all that was my night....I was very shocked at the turnout of the concert. Most of the people there came only for Kris Allen, but in the end, the merch was PACKED! It was amazing!! Until next time....(there WILL be a next time!!!!!)


Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18th

So...I'm really struggling. I really don't want to like the person I like...but I do. And I'm stuck going to the OneRepublic concert with them tomorrow. (TOMORROW!!! XD) But as exciting as the concert is, I don't want to see that person. It's....odd. Moving on....

(Current Song:Take Me Out-Franz Fernidad)

I can't wait to see OneRepublic! It's like the thrill of a lifetime for me! I'm actually kinda nervous. I wonder what'll happen. Hopefully I can meet Ryan. Guess we'll see what happens.....I'll try to take video!!!!! =D So excited!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blogger!! And a bit more...

So....I have decided to join blogger! XD Might help me a bit in my (Current Song: Missing Persons 1 & 2- OneRepublic) This week is so exciting for me! I get to see OneRepublic in concert! I'm thinking about giving Ryan a note...and some of my poems. It makes me feel overly obsessive...and quite stupid...but I just want to feel the satisfaction that someone out there who has made an impact on this world has seen what I can do. If you know me by now, you know how much that would mean to me. So we'll find out what happens......

Anywho, I'm also glad it's SPRING BREAK! I dislike school VERY much. I always will.

And lastly, I've been spending some time in the studio lately. Very interesting. Dad's teaching me how to record, track, mix, and master....and so on.... (Current Song: Ready-Kelly Clarkson) but it's definitely something that I'm thankful for. It'll surely help me in the future. I'll leave on that note....
