Monday, April 19, 2010

School, youtube, and some Dan Black

Okay, I apologize. I haven't posted in quite a while. That is due to my first topic: SCHOOL.

I'm proud of myself, I have good grades. But anyways, I can't wait. Within the upcoming month of MAY, I will have a band performance, the school play performance (Phantom of the Op'ry), and the most important thing: I WILL FINISH JR HIGH. Finally. Geez. Can't wait.

Ok, I did a cover of Telephone by Lady GaGa not too long ago. If you're reading this, most likely you've already seen it. If not, here it is....

And lastly, DAN BLACK

Ok, this guy is freaking amazing. About a year ago I first heard of this guy on the OneRepublic myspace blog, by Mr.Ryan Tedder's post. I didn't start listening to his stuff until about a week ago, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! You have to check him out.

for now......much love!


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